Book #1 from the series: Rinyv

Arrival of The Moon Hare (Rinyv, Book 1)

An Apocalyptic Progression Fantasy

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Fear hinders one's potential.

A sinister presence delights in Rinyv's torment, relentlessly pursuing and killing her after she turns fifteen. Now, having encountered death four times already, the girl is living her fifth life hoping to alter her fate and stop the endless cycle of suffering.

As the terrifying age of fifteen approaches and chaotic events lead people down the path of despair, Rinyv can't help but do everything in her power to overcome her trauma and grow stronger.

The looming strides of death draw near, and Rinyv appears to hold the key to saving not only herself but all of mankind. Fortunately, armed with the knowledge of her past lives, continuous training, and a giant pair of scissors found on holy ground, she is no longer a powerless, naive young girl.

Praise for this book

It's very hard to find a decent book nowadays, but Arrival of the Moon Hare didn't leave me disappointed. I usually stay away from isekai / reincarnation books due to authors not knowing how to properly introduce the character and the world without it feeling forced, but the cover drew me in. The author's writing style and world introduction were made the book easy to get into, and hard to put down. I love that the characters feel real, they have their own voices, and are believable for being teens! That's near impossible to find in a lot of fantasy books lately, and I adore the relationship between Rinyv and Minato. There are touching moments, cute moments, and of course goofy moments that make the friendship feel warm.

There's some gore, but the author does a nice job of warning readers in advance about things that may not be easy for some to stomach. Should a reader choose to skip those small bits, they won't miss out on any important information in the story. Overall, the story is entertaining and a quick read.

I can't wait for the next volume!

A really fanatic story! I felt drained almost after reading certain parts of the book because it made me feel so many emotions. A truly unique book, I guarantee you haven’t read anything like this before. A pre-apocalyptic story that seriously will leave you wondering what’s next!

I absolutely loved this novel. I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoyed it. It’s one of those novels that when you pick up you know you’re going to be going on a wild ride. The moment I finished it I wanted to reread it again. This reads like you’re watching an anime. If I could forget this novel, and read it for the first time again I would. 1000000000/5 stars.

Dude, this book is like, Alice madness returns meets horror badass rabbit girl anime. Alice madness returns is one of my FAVORITE video games and honestly, if this were to become a game, it would be partnered with it.
I can picture this being both an anime show & a video game, it’s really that good.
I LOVED every aspect of this!! From the not being sure about anything, to being a badass half rabbit half human teenager!!!!!!! I have not read anything like it and I am completely obsessed!! My anime nerd friends would LOVE this book… actually, I’m gonna go tell them about this now!

This story was so much more than I was expecting. I am amazed by the imagination and the plot.
Rinyv is a teenager with a crazy past, and she is just trying to survive the days until the countdown to the end of the world strikes.
The story is full of neat creatures, lots of fight scenes, and an unusual weapon. I think the weapon Rinyv uses is awesome!
This is certainly one of those stories that you'll be pulled in quick and read through it fast. I'm ready for book two!!

First and foremost I am an anime and graphic novel fiend! The dark fantasy, epic details, sci-fi style, kill bill Quentin Tarantino esque descriptions were on point! I love the main character. Main reminds me so much of Kill bill or Croft or a trained assassin. I was racing to the end and finished this one within a day of starting! The author has opened up a new door for me with reading! And it was so easy to read and follow along! I cannot wait for the next one! 5 stars across the board.

Arrival of the Moon Hare is the first in the Rinyv series, an apocalyptic horror fantasy. Rinyv is caught in an hellacious groundhog day, she can only grow until the age of fifteen until she is murdered by a sinister being. Now on her fifth life, she sets out to change her fate, and that of the world. The story seems to borrow some of its roots from anime, so expect a rather outlandish, yet entirely enjoyable, story. I loved Rinyv as a main character. She is sharp, witty, and determined to learn from her past lives to conquer the evil forces pursuing her. The story is fast paced and fantastical, keeping the reader on their toes throughout. I really enjoyed this, so much so that I cranked it out in one day and can't wait for the sequel!

this is unlike any other horror novel i’ve ever read. it is drenched in fantasy and excitement, with horrors that are difficult to put into words. our main character, rinyv, is a sarcastic, witty, kill bill-esque fighter with supernatural abilities. every fight she had, every foe she encountered, every snippet of backstory had me racing for more. and the ending?! oh my goshhhh i can’t wait for the story to continue. i highly, highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys horror or dark fantasy!

This book is a young adult horror novel. The book flows so perfectly, which makes for a very easy read for the reader. Personally, I think this book is a great read for even adults. It has such a gripping story that once you start reading this, you will be sucked into RinyV's world, wanting to know how her tale will end. I absolutely loved the characters in this book. It is not lacking in the horror department either. I feel like if you are at all interested in anime, this book will especially appeal to you. I was certainly not disappointed and will be anxiously awaiting the next chapter of this series.